Saturday, December 4, 2010

Anthony turns 18!!

I remember the day all too well. Contractions started December 3rd early in the morning, shortly after midnight I was driven to the hospital, it turned out to be a long night, the sun rose and still no baby. I'll never forget the relief I felt when the anesthesiologist FINALLY made it my way with his supplies to help me feel better. A long morning turned into a long day and I ended up having a cesarean section. I never did learn the gender of my baby-by choice. I wanted to be surprised, however, I must confess that I was wishing for a boy. Chris was graduating from AIT that same day, he flew in from Baltimore, MD and checked in at Fort Hood where he would be stationed.

Christopher Anthony Mortin was born December 4, 1992 at 4:33 pm. The journey has been much too short, but I've enjoyed the privilege of being his mom and the great "mommy" memories he has given me, and the ones I've yet to experience. He's 18 now and while I will always be his mom, my role will shift from being nurturing to supporting. Don't get me wrong, there will always be hugs and kisses, but nurturing a son who is 3 years old has different needs from an 18 year old.

It's been a great family day with you Anthony, just like old times. Happy Birthday Anthony, dad and I love and respect you and are proud of the young man you are. As you walk with God, time and experience will mold you into the man God destined you to be. With love, Mom & Dad.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is December really here??

Wow, December has officially arrived! The days are like a rushing wind. But while the days are busy, I did want to take some time to share how grateful I am for my family and how humble I am with Gods Hand being with us. Earlier this year, we experienced our first lay off, I will never forget that "after work" phone call. I know God has many names, but I actually had the humble privilege to know Him as "Sustainer". And although Thanksgiving is behind us, I strive to be thankful, because it's that thankful attitude that really makes the difference on a daily basis! Without Him I am nothing, and even at times I may be struck down can not be destroyed because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. So thankful for where this 2010 year has taken us and thankful for where we are today! So thankful for His wisdom and His Spirit, His grace and His mercy, and of course His guidance as I continue my growth as a wife, as a mother and as a servant. (And yes, Chris is back at work and I must also share that he's only been with the company 9 months and has already rose to a new challenge within the company!)

There has been quite a bit of change in the past months, but probably the most recent is that we've welcomed a little one into our home, it's a boy! I am enjoying my family, Anthony and Anna are coming upon 2 years of dating, Anthony is READY to graduate, as for the rest of us, we are well!!

"Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Is. 43:18-19

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Beginnings

Summer break has come and gone with the first day of school well under way. The last few days have brought "new beginnings" to our family. Anthony is now a senior in high school and it occurred to me on that Thursday morning of that first day of the new school year, I had that silent conversation in my head as I was helping the kids preparing for the big day, 'that this would be my last "first day" of school with Anthony.' Yes, he may have a first day in college sometime in the future, but as far as grade school goes, this is it!! A sad and exciting reality for me. I did have success in snapping a shot of Anthony and Mariah before heading out the door, I wanted to take more, but in dealing with a teenager...... I didn't want to "over" do it.

Anthony the "Senior"/ Mariah goes to 7th

Anthony driving away to school...

As I continued my conversation with myself, it also occurred to me that if Mariah was an average girl, that she and Anthony would be attending the same school for the first time since he was in the 1st grade and she was enrolled in early learning for special needs, she was just 4 years old!! Wow, I want to burst into tears now, where did the time go?? Looking back now, at that time I could have never know what challenges faced us and our little Mariah. She has proved to be one of the strongest individuals I have ever known, I am not speaking of the physical strength, but of inner strength and will.
Oh, before I forget.....Mariah is now saying 2 words!!! (when she wants to that is...). One afternoon, I heard her say "bye truck", she saw a truck driving by and just wanted to say "bye truck", to me it was AWESOME and immediately had to share that with her speech therapist!! THAT'S BIG NEWS! Saying all that, I am thankful for this new school year and am looking forward to great progress in Mariah's learning. She has a great team of players working with her. Together we can overcome some of those obstacles, I am confident in that.

Me & Mariah........

Finally, I've got one more who had a big day. Tate started "The Beginners" Sunday School Class, I am very excited about him participating and learning about Jesus! It was a big day for me too to be honest, it's bittersweet. Life is moving right along, it stops for no one, so jump on board and enjoy the moments.

Tate's first day of "Beginners" Sunday School

Ms. Kim with Tate showing off his "cross"
Well done!

Remember to love the Lord your God and enjoy your families because those are the greatest treasures we can ever have.